Customer Testimonials

At Northwest Pump, we are dedicated to providing excellent customer service. It is in our motto Customer Service is our Business!, it is in our company values, it is a part of our employee ownership. However, don’t just take it from us. Check out our customer testimonials below and find out what people really think about Northwest Pump!


“Paul Goldman came out and did some work on the pump at my house yesterday, and I am really happy with the work that you guys did.”

Peter Clemmins

“It is always a pleasure to do business with NWP. The sales rep Steve Corah is very helpful and has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to underground tank storage equipment. We are about 65% complete with the current project and are hoping for a mid-December opening of the station.”


Property Administrator, WSCO Petroleum

“Have nothing but positive things to say about the Service Team over at NW Pump, especially the service coordinator Brianna. Always goes the extra mile!”

Brandon Krupp

“You guys are wonderful, and we will be keeping your contact info for future services!”


Grimes ACH LLC

The service tech is always on top of getting our air compressor’s serviced.”


J.R. Simplot Company

“They all have been very helpful and informative.”


Central Oregon Seed Inc

Federal Way

Been using these guys for years for my compressor maintenance and automotive lift inspections. Good people.


Auto Warehousing Co

Check out our Federal Way Customers' testimonials

“professional and properly prepared. Love working with them!”


“Tom at Northwest Pump does a great job at taking care of our equipment. Keep up the good work!”


Markay Cabinets

“NW Pump has always been there for me to keep us operating. They know what I need and get me technicians or parts when I am in need of either, as soon as they are able. Call it 30+ years of loyalty maybe. I call it a great friendship!!

Dot and David have been there, right along with a few others over those many years, have always been there to get us thru some tuff situations!! I’m very appreciative of everyone at NW Pump and their efforts to keep us up and running!!”




Excellent service over the years. I recently placed an emergency service call which was professionally attended and resolved the same day. Thank you for keeping up with our quarterly service for our compress air system.”



Check out our Everett customers' testimonials!

“Thanks for the fast work!”


Jerry Smith Kia

“Long time customer. Always have gotten a prompt response, great service & great personal!”


Richmark Labels


“Great customer service, always have the parts or get me them fast! Highly recommended”


Check out our Spokane Customers' Testimonials!

“Thank you for great service!”



“Great service! Jon takes great care of our equipment!”


First Fruits Farms, LLC


“This is a huge location for Northwest Pump, a very knowledgeable distributor in the petroleum industry. The staff knows everything and is patient to answer questions. I find their customer service is great. The products they supply are also top of the line, they are the best quality and last for many years. Highly recommend this business!”

Paige Jewell

Check out our Sacramento Customers' Testimonials


The Service Tech was knowledgeable and took care of business.

Walter Biskupiak

Billings Montana Location

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